Hello? Helo!
A Bloggish Thing
𝟘𝟙· Happy 2025! My focus for this year is to take on the challenges that have arisen over the last few years with strength, perseverence and, dare I say it, hope.
𝕁 𝟘𝟚· Focusing again on Symbolic Logic and the infrastructure I'm building to support my goals, as well as puzzle design: I hope to have physical prototypes this year, then figure out what's next!
𝕒 𝟘𝟡· The “Nonstandard Notebook”, created by Tim Chartier and Amy Langville, is an art object as published. Nonetheless, I'm going to mark up my copy by experimenting with diagrams and mind-maps.
𝕟 𝟚𝟙· Performance of the StarFive VisionFive2 is underwhelming at this point: my kludged Python-based builds are about 6 times slower on it than my Pi5, at about the same price point. But it runs!
𝕦 𝟚𝟜· I set up a Pi4 to do 32 bit armhf builds for my 32-bit only Pis; it takes about half the time that my StarFive2 does for a full build. QEMU might be better for RISC-V SW validation...
𝕒 𝟛𝟘· Digging into inferencing over first order logic, this paper looks like it could help stretch my formula simplification muscles.
𝕣 𝟛𝟘· I'm starting to read a really great book on Number Theory titled “An Illustrated Theory of Numbers”, published by the AMS. Check out the first chapter, available as a pdf for free download. It
𝕪 starts with counting, but it is not remedial: it roots the coming theory in tangible experience.
𝟛𝟙· According to an article on The Guardian, a malicious pdf file could install aggressive spyware. Are Linux pdf tools vulnerable? Do any distros grant elevated permissions?